Noisy Planet is pleased to announce the launch of a new Spanish-language website to raise awareness about the causes and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss. The Noisy Planet campaign focuses on encouraging preteens to adopt healthy hearing habits; it does so by targeting parents and families, educators, and health professionals with its prevention message. Spanish-language resources will extend the campaign’s reach into new communities.
The Noisy Planet’s Spanish website mirrors the look and feel of its English counterpart and offers information on hearing such as:
- How we hear.
- What noise can do to your hearing.
- The science of hearing loss.
The Spanish website features clear navigation for three separate audiences: kids and preteens (ages 8 to 12), parents, and educators/health professionals. This makes it easy for preteens to find age-appropriate materials, while parents, educators, and school nurses and other health professionals can readily locate Spanish-language resources to teach kids about hearing loss from noise.
The new website also offers the following Spanish-language resources:
- Multimedia content including helpful hearing tips that can be shared via social media.
- Free publications that can be downloaded, printed, or ordered.
It’s a Noisy Planet. Protect Their Hearing.® is a national public education campaign designed to increase awareness among parents of children ages 8 to 12 about the causes and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss. The campaign is a service of the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), one of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Noisy Planet is committed to ensuring that Spanish-speaking communities benefit from its health information resources. Help spread Noisy Planet’s key messages en español:
- Baja el volumen/Lower the volume.
- Aléjate del ruido/Move away from the noise.
- Usa protectores del oído, ya sean tapones u orejeras/Wear hearing protection, such as earplugs or earmuffs.
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