Independence Day, July 4th, is an annual celebration across the country. Many communities celebrate the holiday with fireworks displays. The colors and patterns are awesome, and the sounds are festive—but fireworks can also be extremely loud. Did you know that the explosions of fireworks average 160 A-weighted decibels (dBA)? Did you know that 2 minutes at 110 dBA can damage your hearing? The louder the sound, the quicker it can damage your hearing. [Reference: How Loud Is Too Loud? (nih.gov)]
Your children can still enjoy the beauty and the sounds of the fireworks without damaging their hearing. During the fireworks display, protect your children’s hearing with hearing protectors, such as earplugs or earmuffs. Hearing protectors won’t lessen the party experience, but they will reduce the impact of excessive noise on young ears.
If you would like to celebrate the excitement of the Fourth of July at a lower decibel level, there are lots of fun backyard activities that are colorful but not noisy. Consider celebrating with pinwheels and sparklers (adult supervision required). Decorating bicycles with patriotic colors can be great holiday neighborhood fun as well.
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