The bumblebee buzzing in the park, a mockingbird singing in the evening, or a bullfrog croaking in a nearby pond are just a few examples of the wonderful and varied sounds that nature offers.

But have you and your children ever heard the sound of a whale trumpet, a hyena laugh, or a Siberian tiger call? If not, those sounds are just a few clicks away on the Acoustical Society of America’s (ASA) website. The ASA, a Noisy Planet partner, offers these and other interesting animal sounds on its Listen to Sounds webpage. While you are there, check out the ASA’s Explore Sound website to learn about the science of acoustics and find demonstrations of how sound works and how you can protect yourself and your children from noise pollution and noise-induced hearing loss.
Your family can experience the wide range of sounds in nature, whether on the ASA’s website, in the great outdoors, or in your own backyard. You can also help ensure that your children will enjoy the wonderful sounds of nature for many years to come by teaching them how to protect their ears now.
Noisy Planet offers a range of information and resources designed to help you and your children learn the best ways to protect their hearing. And, when you recognize that the noise around you is too loud, follow these guidelines:
- Lower the volume. Set the volume on electronic devices to a pleasurable level.
- Move away from the noise. Give yourself some distance from the noise source to lessen the impact on your ears.
- Wear hearing protectors. Use earplugs or earmuffs if you can’t leave a noisy place.
We encourage you and your children to learn how to protect your hearing and get out there to explore the wonderful sounds of nature!
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